Publicaciones anteriores

Vidal E, Acín C, Foradada L, Monzón M, Márquez M, Monleón E, Pumarola M, Badiola Jj, Bolea R. Immunohistochemical characterisation of classical scrapie neuropathology in sheep. J Comp  Pathol. 141: 135-46. (2009).

Vaccari G, Panagiotidis Ch, Acin C, Peletto S, Barillet F, Acutis P, Bossers  A, Langeveld J, Van Keulen L, Sklaviadis T, Badiola JJ, Andreéoletti O, Groschup  MH, Agrimi U, Foster J, Goldmann W. State-of-the-art review of goat TSE in the European Union, with special emphasis on PRNP genetics and epidemiology. Vet Res 40: 48-65 (2009).

Serrano C, Lyahyai J, Bolea R, Varona L, Monleón E, Badiola JJ, Zaragoza P, Martín-Burriel I. Distinct spatial activation of intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis pathways in natural scrapie: association with prion-related lesions. Vet Res 40: 42. (2009).

Serrano C, Hammouchi M, Benomar A, Lyahyai J, Ranera B, Acín C, El Hamidi M,  Monzón M, Badiola JJ, Tligui N, Zaragoza P, Martín-Burriel I. PRNP haplotype distribution in Moroccan goats. Anim Genet. 40: 565-568. (2009).

Glaria I, Reina R, Crespo H, De Andrés X, Ramírez H, Biescas E, Pérez M, Badiola J, Luján L, Amorena B, De Andrés D. Phylogenetic analysis of SRLV sequences from an arthritic sheep outbreak demonstrates the introduction of CAEV-like viruses among Spanish sheep Vet Microbiol 138: 156-162 (2009).

Niesalla H, De Andrés X, Barbezange C, Fraisier C, Reina R, Arnarson H, Biescas E, Mazzei M, Mcneilly TN, Liu C, Watkins C, Perez M, Carrozza ML, Bandecchi P, Solano C, Crespo H, Glaria I, Huard C, Shaw DJ, De Blas I, De Andrés D, Tolari F, Rosati S, Suzan-Monti M, Andrésdottir V, Torsteinsdottir S, Petursson G, Badiola JJ, Lujan L, Pepin M, Amorena B, Blacklaws B, Harkiss GD. Systemic DNA immunization against ovine lentivirus using particle-mediated epidermal delivery and modified vaccinia Ankara encoding the gag and/or env genes. Vaccine  27: 260-269   (2009).

Acín C, Monleón E, Monzón M, Bolea R, Vargas MA, Badiola JJ. Métodos de diagnostico y vigilancia de las encefalopatias espongiformes transmisibles. Scrapie en ovejas y cabras. Páginas: 207-301. ISBN: 9786074870244. Dirección de Fomento Editorial de la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla. Méjico (2009).

Peletto S, Perucchini M, Acín C, Dalgleish MP, Reid Hw, Rasero R, Sacchi P, Stewart P, Caramelli M, Ferroglio E, Bozzetta E, Meloni D, Orusa R, Robetto S, Gennero S, Goldmann W, Acutis Pl. Genetic variability of the prion protein gene (PRNP) in wild ruminants from Italy and Scotland. J Vet Sci 10: 115-120. (2009).

Hortells P, Monleón E, Acín C, Vargas A, Ryffel B, Cesbron JY, Badiola JJ, Monzón M. Effect of the dimethoate administration on a Scrapie murine model. Zoonoses and Public Health. 55:368-375. (2008).

Alvarez MI, Lacruz C, Monleón E, Monzón E, Acín C, Toledano-Diaz A, Badiola JJ,  Toledano A. Calretinin-immunopositive cortical cerebellar cells in normal, aged and scrapie-affected sheep. Cerebellum. Cerebellum 7:417-429. (2008).

Gavier-Widen, D, Nöremark, M, Langeveld  J, Stack M, Biacabe A, Vulin J, Chaplin M, Richt J, Jacobs J, Acín C, Monleón E, Renström L, Klingeborn B, Baron T. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Sweden: an H-type variant. J Vet Diag Invest. 20: 2-10 (2008).

Lyahyai J, Bolea R, Serrano C, Vidal E, Pumarola M, Badiola JJ, Zaragoza P, Martín-Burriel I. Differential expression and protein distribution of Bax in natural scrapie. Brain Res. 1180:111-120. (2007).

Serrano C, Martín-Burriel I,  Lyahyai J, Monzón M, El Hamidi M, Acín C, Badiola JJ, Tligui N, Zaragoza P. Polymorphisms of the PRNP gene in Moroccan sheep. Vet Rec 161:524-525 (2007).

Fernández AP, Serrano J, Rodrigo J, Monleón E, Monzón M, Vargas A, Badiola JJ, Martínez-Murillo R, Martínez A. Changes in the expression pattern of the nitrergic system of the ovine cerebellum affected by Scrapie. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 66:196-207 (2007).

Marcos-Carcavilla A, Calvo JH, Gonzalez C, Moazami-Goudarzi, K, Laurent P, Bertaud M, Hayes H, Beattie AE, Serrano C, Lyahyai J, Martin-Burriel I, Alves E, Zaragoza P, Badiola JJ, Serrano M. IL-1 family members as candidate genes modulating scrapie susceptibility in sheep: localization, partial characterization, and expression. Mammal Genom 18:53-63 (2007).

Lyahya J, Bolea R, Serrano C, Monleón E, Moreno C, Osta R, Zaragoza P, Badiola JJ, Martin-Burriel I. Correlation between Bax overexpression and prion deposition in medulla oblongata from natural scrapie without evidence of apoptosis. Acta Neuropathol 112: 451- 460 (2006).

Leginagoikoa I, Juste RA, Barandika J, Amorena B, De Andrés B, Luján L, Badiola JJ, Berriatua E. Extensive rearing hinders Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in sheep. Vet Res 37: 667-678 (2006).

Reina R, Mora MI, Glaria I, Garcia I, Solano C, Luján L, Badiola JJ, Contreras A, Berriatua E, Juste R, Mamoun RZ, Rolland M, Amorena B, De Andres D. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic study of Maedi Visna and Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis viral sequences in sheep and goats from Spain. Virus Res 121: 189-198 (2006).

Hortells P, Monzón M, Monleón E, Acín C, Vargas A, Bolea R, Lujan L, Badiola JJ. Pathological findings in retina and visual pathways associated to natural scrapie in sheep. Brain Res 1108:188-194 (2006).

Vidal E, Bolea R, Tortosa R, Costa C, Domènech A, Monleón E, Vargas A, Badiola JJ, Pumarola M. Assessment of calcium-binding proteins (Parvalbumin and Calbindin D-28K) and perineuronal nets in normal and scrapie-affected adult sheep brains J Virol Methods 136: 137-146 (2006).

Rodrigo J, Fernandez AP, Serrano J, Monzón M, Monleón E, Badiola JJ, Climent S, Martinez Murillo R, Martinez R. Distribution and expression pattern of the nitrergic system in the cerebellum of the sheep”. Neuroscience 139: 889-988 (2006).

Leginagoikoa I, Daltabuilt-Test M, Alvarez V, Arranz J, Juste RA, Amorena B, De Andrés D, Luján LL, Badiola JJ, Berriatua E. Horizontal Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) infection in adult dairy-sheep raised under varying MVV-infection pressures investigated by ELISA and PCR. Res Vet Sci 80: 235-241 (2006).

Alvarez V, Daltabuit-Test M, Arranz J, Leginagoikoa I, Juste RA, Amorena B, De Andres D, Lujan L, Badiola JJ, Berriatua E. PCR detection of colostrum-associated Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) infection and relationship with ELISA-antibody status in lambs. Res Vet Sci 80: 226-234. (2006).

Acín C, Martín-Burriel I, Lyahyai J, Monzón M, Monleón E, Rodellar C, Bolea R, Serrano C, Hortells P, Osta R, Vargas F, Badiola JJ, Zaragoza P. Susceptibilidad genética al padecimiento de scrapie en razas ovinas aragonesas. Pequeños Rumiantes 7: 22-27 (2006).

Monleón E, Acín C, Monzón M, Bolea R, Vargas A, Badiola JJ. Evolución de la EEB y del Scrapie en España. Mundo Ganadero 187: 41-45 (2006).

Luján L, Biescas E, Pérez M, Vargas F, Badiola JJ, Espada J, Fantova E. Pulmonary artery haemorrhages in sheep with septicaemic pasteurellosis. Vet Rec 157: 856 (2006).

Vargas F, Luján L, Bolea R, Monleón E, Martín-Burriel I, Fernández A, De Blas I, Badiola JJ. Clinical evolution of naturally-infected scrapie sheep diagnosed by third eyelid lymphoid tissue biopsy. J Vet Intern Med 20:187-193 (2006).

Bolea R, Monleón E, Carrasco L, Vargas A, De Andrés D, Amorena B, Badiola JJ, Luján LL. Maedi-Visna virus infection of ovine mammary epithelial cells. Vet Res 37: 133-144 (2006).

Carmona P, Monzón M, Monleón E, Badiola JJ, Monreal J. In vivo detection of scrapie cases from blood by infrared spectroscopy. J Gen Virol 86: 3425-3431. (2005).

Monleón E, Monzón M, Hortells P, Bolea R, Vargas F, Acín C, Badiola JJ. Approaches to Scrapie diagnosis by applying immunohistochemistry and Prionics® rapid tests on central  nervous and lymphoreticular systems. J Virol Methods 125: 165-171 (2005).

Bolea R, Monleón E, Schiller I, Raeber AJ, Acín C, Martín–Burriel I, Struckmeyer T, Oesch B, Badiola JJ. Comparative analysis of PrPsc detection by immunohistochemistry and rapid tests of pathogenic prion protein (PrPsc) in brain regions of naturally infected sheep and goats from Spain. J Vet Diagn Invest 17: 467-469 (2005).

Álvarez V, Arranz J, Daltabuit-Test M, Leginagoikoa I, Juste RA, Amorena B, De Andres D, Luján LL., Badiola JJ, Berriatua E. Relative contribution of colostrum from Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) infected ewes to MVV-seroprevalence in lambs. Res Vet Sci 78:237-243 (2005)

Vargas F, Bolea R, Monleón E, Acín C, Vargas A, De Blas M, Luján L, Badiola JJ. Clinical characterization of scrapie in naturally-affected sheep in Spain. Vet Rec 156: 318-320 (2005)

Peterhans E, Greenland T, Badiola JJ, Harkiss G, Bertoni G, Amorena B, Eliaszewicz M, Juste RA, Krassnig R, Lafont JP, Lenihan P, Petursson G, Pritchard G, Thorley J, Vitu C, Mornex JF, Pepin M. Routes of transmission and consequences of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) infection and  eradication schemes. Vet Res (Review) 35: 257- 274 (2004).

Acín C, Martín-Burriel I, Monleón E, Rodellar C, Badiola JJ, Zaragoza P. PrP polymorphisms in Spanish sheep affected with natural scrapie. Vet Rec 155: 370-372 (2004).

Acín C, Martín-Burriel I, Goldmann W, Lyahyai J, Monzón M, Bolea R, Smith A, Rodellar C, Badiola JJ, Zaragoza P. Prion protein gene polymorphisms in healthy and scrapie affected Spanish sheep. J Gen Virol 85: 2103-2110 (2004).

Carmona P, Monleón E, Monzón M, Badiola JJ, Monreal J. Raman analysis of prion protein in blood cell membranes from naturally affected scrapie sheep. Chem Biol 11: 754-759 (2004).

Monleón E, Monzón M, Hortells P, Vargas A, Acín C, Badiola JJ. Detection of PrPsc on lymphoid tissues from naturally affected Scrapie animals: comparison of three visualization systems. J Histochem Cytochem 52:145-151 (2004).

Badiola JJ, Rábano A, Hortells P, Guerrero MC, Ferrín G, García L, Monleón E, Acín C, Vargas A, Bolea R, Monzón M. Emboli in bulls killed in Spanish traditional bullfighting. J Comp Pathol 128: 207-209 (2003).

Monleón E, Monzón M, Hortells P, Vargas A, Badiola JJ. Detection of PrPsc in samples presenting a very advanced degree of autolysis (BSE liquid state) by immunocytochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 51: 15-18 (2003).

Badiola JJ, Monleón E, Vargas MA, Acín C, Luján L, Simmons M. Diagnosis of the first three cases of BSE in Spain. Vet Rec 151:509-510 (2002).

Sisó S, Puig B, Varea R., Acín C, Prinz M, Montrasio F, Badiola J, Aguzzi A, Pumarola M, Ferrer I. Abnormal synaptic protein expression and cell death in murine scrapie. Acta Neuropathol 103: 615-626 (2002).

Varea R, Monleon E, Pacheco C, Lujan L, Bolea R, Vargas MA, Van Eynde G, Saman E, Dickson L, Harkiss G, Amorena B, Badiola JJ. Early detection of Maedi-Visna (ovine progressive pneumonia) virus seroconversion in field sheep samples. J Vet Diagn Invest 13: 301-307 (2001).

Saman E, Van Eynde G, Lujan L, Extramiana B, Harkiss G, Tolari F, Gonzalez L, Amorena B, Watt N, Badiola JJ. A new sensitive serological assay for detection of lentivirus infection in small ruminants. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 6, 734-740 (1999).

Monleón E, Pacheco MC, Lujan L, Bolea R, Fernandez de Luco D, Vargas MA, Alabart JL, Badiola JJ, Amorena B. Effect of in vitro Maedi-Visna infection on adherence and phagocytosis of staphylococci by ovine cells. Vet Microbiol 57, 13-28 (1997).

Perez V, Tellechea J, Badiola JJ, Gutierrez M, Garcia Marin JF. Relation between serologic response and pathologic findings in sheep with naturally acquired paratuberculosis. Am J Vet Res 58, 799-803 (1997).

Perez V, Garcia Marin JF, Badiola JJ. Description and classification of different types of lesion associated with natural paratuberculosis infection in sheep. J Comp Pathol 114, 107-122 (1996).